KindleEar(Kindle个人推送服务应用) v1.0免费版 for Win

KindleEar(Kindle个人推送服务应用) v1.0免费版 for Win


KindleEar (Kindle Personal Push Service Application) v1.0 Free Version is a personalized push service application running on Google App Engine (GAE), …


KindleEar(Kindle个人推送服务应用) v1.0免费版更新说明:

  • 修复了已知问题

KindleEar (Kindle Personal Push Service Application) v1.0 Free Version is a personalized push service application running on Google App Engine (GAE), generating beautifully formatted magazine-style mobi/epub formats automatically pushed to your Kindle or other email. The main functions of this application currently include: supporting unlimited RSS/ATOM or web content collection in a format similar to Calibre’s recipe format, unlimited custom RSS support, multiple account management, support for multiple users and multiple Kindles, generating magazine-style mobi with images or epub with images and table of contents automatically pushed daily, built-in shared library for subscribing to other users’ shared feeds or sharing your own feeds with others, powerful and convenient email forwarding service, integration with Evernote/Pocket/Instapaper, etc.

Note: If your requirements are not high, the custom RSS push function is sufficient for general applications. If you require perfect formatting, you can refer to the sample files in the “books” directory to add your own file and re-upload it. The files in the “books” directory are not randomly pre-set, each file demonstrates at least one applicable book writing technique. With a knowledge of Python, you can fully control the web page and generate the most perfect MOBI/Epub files you need.



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